Thursday, February 26, 2009

UP AND DOWN........

This past Sunday I was leading the Folsom TBF race in my division on the last lap. The course was super fun as it was raining and muddy and I was having a blast in those terrible conditions. Then on a high speed downhill section I crashed hard and rammed my chin into a downed tree on the ground. Blood poured out and I had a huge hole under my chin. I finished the race but was passed by the rider who was behind me by 25 seconds when I crashed. So I went from first place and feeling up, to crashing hard and going down in a matter of seconds. That's racing! Still managed to finish 2nd place and was thankful I did not get knocked out or hurt worse when I hit the downed tree so hard chin first. It felt like I was hit in the chin with a baseball bat!

I then had a root canal the next day as I was racing with a infected tooth.

I always come back better, stronger, and faster after horrible ordeals. So this will only make me stronger!

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